Sunday, March 1, 2015

Extend your E cigarette Battery Life

Everyone knows that as you use your e-cigarette, the battery and atomizer will drain out. You can tell if your battery is beginning to drain out when it won’t charge or if it starts to go dead faster than it used to. While the battery is getting low, the amount of vapor you can produce decrease. So here are ways on how to extend your battery life. This will save you a lot of money.

Here are some tips to extend your battery life:

1. Use your battery regularly. The more the battery are utilized, the easier their power flow through the battery cells.

2. Always place your battery on safe place. Do not place your battery on a hot place or somewhere that can be directed to the sunlight. Also make sure to keep it away from the reach of your children or pets.

3. Replace your e-cigarette battery before it's drained. Do not wait until the batter wears out. This will cause the battery life span to reduce.

4. Make sure to keep your battery 100% charged. Do not store it on a 50% life, it will cause your battery to drain faster.

5. Remove cartomizer from battery when not in use. Even the e-cigarette are not in use, if the catomizer is still connected to the battery it will still drain a little amount of the battery life.

6. Never charge your e-cigarette battery unattended. This will prevent over charging. If you are not there to unplug it after it's fully charged it could lead to overheating and will cause your battery to fail.

Always to remember to follow these steps to have a longer life span for your battery so you can enjoy your vaping longer.


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